Hello room 75.
It was great to be back and to see everyone again!
What a busy day!
In gym we worked to strengthen our understanding of what "TEAMWORK" is and means. Working in groups of 5 and then 3, we each worked as part of a team to compete in a relay. This was teamwork, because we each had to work together in order to be successful. The student hitting and passing the ball had to take his or her time to ensure an accurate pass, the student catching the ball had to pay attention to what was happening in order to catch the ball or collect it if it got away from them. Ask your child who was on their 5 person team and then on their 3 person team.
In math we worked on strengthening our understanding of growing and shrinking patterns.
In writing, we worked on a variety of things. The students worked to finish their in school book review using the IPADS to type up their work, before adding it to their brochures!
We also had a lesson on HOMONYMS! Many students have been writing, and are getting, words such as write/right; to/too/two; whole/hole mixed up. We used the SMARTBOARD to play a game that introduced the different words, then the kids had to create sentences using each of the words before they could move them on the SMARTBOARD. In the afternoon, they created their own sentences in a flip book, using many of the different homonyms they are learning, before illustrating their work. Ask your child to share with you a homonym they learned, and see if they are able to spell them correctly. Share a homonym that you know with your child.
We also worked on writing a new goal that we are working on in school. The students wrote their goal and their strategy in the IRIS journal. They are encouraged to try and type their goal into IRIS tonight. IRIS Click on this link to get you to IRIS. You cannot google Iris, and if you are typing in the website, you cannot type www before hand. It needs to just be: https://iris.portal.cbe.ab.ca/
The students were shown how to log into IRIS and where to write their goal in. We will be working with these goals tomorrow, so it is important that they bring their IRIS journals back to school. In order for the student to log in, they will need their id number and password. This should be written in their journals unless they chose not to because they know their ID. Their password is the last 4 digits of their ID number.
They wrote their goal and strategy using this prompt.
My goal is ....... because.......
I will do this by.......... and ..........
Please help your child to log into IRIS tonight.
Important information:
Monday, October 21st- NO SCHOOL- PD day and ELECTION DAY!!!
Read 15-30 minutes.
Mathletics 15 minutes.
If you have not written on the blog about what book you are going to do for your book project and how you are going to present it. Please do so tonight.
Log into IRIS and type in your goal. Remember you can use a computer or the IPAD, or other tablets, as long as you have access to the internet.
Question for the blog:
What is something you learned about light and shadow from out video that we watched today? What would you like to learn about light and shadow?
See you tomorrow.
Ms. Handelsman