Hi room 75...
We had our final lesson with Gail today. Our final project is a large mystery mural where each student is working on their own piece, unaware of what the large end product will be. Once all the pieces are finished we will work to put it together and see what we created!
We shared our patterns that we wrote on the blog with the class, then we worked to create increasing(growing) and repeating patterns and found different friends to share with to see if they could figure out what our pattern rule was in order to add onto our pattern. Ask your child to share with you one of their patterns.
Students have started to work on their book reviews about the book they are reading at school during Daily 5. So far we are working on, the title, who's who in the story, and what is my favorite part? Ask your child what book they are writing about! (These are different then the ones they will be working on at home.)
Tomorrow we will be having our second AussieX session! Hopefully the weather will change and be nice enough to go outside:)...Or perhaps we will see more of this wet stuff coming down?!
As the weather is changing throughout the day, please make sure that your child is coming to school prepared for these changes. Every child should be coming to school with a jacket. We also would like each child to have a water bottle so that they can drink water throughout the day. We are asking that students do NOT come to school with juice, but bring water instead.
I am currently sitting in a staff meeting where we are working on setting up Mathletics. Please use the class website and go to Mathletics and try to login in. Once you are in, you will see that there are some tasks assigned to you. If you try to login in but you cannot get into, perhaps your computer needs to be refreshed, or perhaps you could check in and "Allow Pop-Ups"; or you may need to update Flash; or allow for cookies or don't block cookies.
Hand in any remaining pledge forms and donations for Terry Fox Run.
Fun Lunch Forms are due on October 14th- Order online
Thursday night is FAMILY SCIENCE NIGHT!! at the school from 6-8.
Students: Read 15-30 minutes;
Go onto Mathletics and work on one of the assignments for 15-30 minutes.
Question for the blog:
Create an increasing(growing) or repeating pattern and write on the blog. (remember to write your pattern rule on a piece of paper to bring to school tomorrow. Try to create a pattern that is different than the one you created yesterday.
See you tomorrow,
Ms. Handelsman