Hello room 75 families.
We were very excited to welcome a new student into room 75. He is joining us in grade 3. Ask your child to share with you his name and something they learned about him today.
In math, students spent time thinking and talking about what they know about patterns, where there are patterns in our world, and why we create patterns. They were encouraged to go home and discover patterns in and around their house. Some vocabulary that the students introduced today in regards to patterns are increasing and decreasing patterns; repeating; shapes; numbers; season; time of day; calendar.
This afternoon was busy with our first Fire Drill. The students in room 75 did a pretty good job demonstrating what they should be doing once they hear the fire alarm. (As a school we were able to evacuate the building in less than a minute!) A goal for our next practice, is to WALK once we are outside and to remain SILENT. Upon our return we discussed how a fire drill helps us to prepare in case we do need to leave the building quickly. Many students shared what their plans are in case they have to leave their homes in a hurry if there were to be a fire. This would be a good dinner conversation with your family this evening. What is your plan?
We also began an art and writing project this afternoon, where students came up with many words that describe their character, "who they are", what they are good at; and who in their lives, both fiction and non-fiction, who are their heroes.
This Thursday is our Terry Fox run! Students are encouraged to create their own costumes and come as their favorite hero as they participate in the run!
Thank you families for such a quick response in regards to bringing in the ingredients for our Hero sandwich snacks for that afternoon!
Today the pledge forms for Terry Fox Run came home as well as the forms for the upcoming Picture day. Please read, fill in and return these forms as soon as possible.
Parents: read the forms that went home today and fill in and return as soon as possible.
check out the class website!
students: read 15-30 minutes
check out the class website and use one of the links, perhaps Raz-Kids, Tumblebooks or Mathletics.
Look around your house, inside and outside and see what patterns you can find.
Question for the blog:
What is something new that we did or learned today that you would like to share with the class?What patterns did you find in and around your house? (PS thank you Ansharah and Bailey for reminding me that this was going to be the question.)