Students in room 75 were busy today continuing to get to know each other and become familiar with the routines and expectations of being back and school. We learned playground safety rules in physical education. Ask your child to share with you some of the ways they can be safe while on the playground. Grade 3 and 4 students' playground days for before school and during lunch are Mondays and Wednesdays.
Students in room 75 and in room 51 will be going on a field trip on Wednesday, September 18th. We will be asking for volunteers in order to attend. Field trip forms will be coming home on Friday. If you are able to volunteer please email me at
Parents please fill out the school forms and return to the school no later than September 9th.
Students, please read 15-30 mins and don't forget to bring back your communication folder tomorrow!
Question to answer in the blog.
Do you have any siblings or pets? If so, please tell me about them. (hopefully clicking on the word "comments"at the bottom of this post, will allow you to post your answer! Good luck).
Ms. Handelsman
See you at the pancake breakfast tomorrow!
– 9:30 am
September 5, 2013
Cranston School
Families are welcome to join us on the compound for pancakes in
the morning before school JJ
At 8:30 am, the bell will ring and teachers will go to their
rooms with students. Family members are welcome to
tour the school and visit classrooms 8:30 – 9:00 am
Any students who have not had pancakes by 8:30 am and who have a
parent with them are welcome to stay on the compound and eat before entering
the school – please just let your teacher know you are at school JJ Students
whose parents are unable to attend and haven’t had pancakes before 8:30 am will
be given a supervised opportunity to eat with other staff – they will be picked
up in their classrooms and returned. Students who have already had their
pancakes will remain in their classrooms with their teacher.
We will ask parents to clear the building at 9:00 am so teachers
and students can begin to resume regular activities, although pancakes and
coffee will be available on the compound till about 9:30 am
Many thanks and much appreciation to the Cranston School Council
and Shelaine Thompson for organizing this fantastic start to our new school