Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ms. Handelsman was at a conference all day!

Hello room 75!
This will be a quick post as I was at a conference all day! If you are curious about the conference, the link is on yesterday's post!
I hope that students in room 75 were respectful and responsible citizens for their guest teacher and I am looking forward to hearing about what they did while I was away.

Parents: Field trip forms are due in ASAP, if you have not already done so.
             Mrs. McBride wanted me to remind you that any pre-corder order forms that haven't been handed in yet, are due TOMORROW.
Students: Play outside.
               Read the blog and read for 15-30 minutes and record on your home reading sheets.

Question for the blog:
 What did you do/learn at school that you would like to share with me? Please read the different posts and try to come up with something different from your friends. I look forward to reading what each of you learned in our class meeting tomorrow.


-NO SCHOOL Friday, September 20th- PD day.

-Meet the teacher open house! Please book your appointment times if you have not already done so.  The link to do this is on the school website at Cranston School Website.  Remember you are booking one time slot for your entire family.  The first fifteen minutes begins in the gym, then there is time to visit each of your childs' classrooms and meet their teachers.

This school year, there are some significant changes to student assessment and reporting taking place at Cranston School, reflecting the beginning of new assessment directions being set by Alberta Education.  The school has also introduced new organizational structures to accommodate significant student growth and to reflect the continually changing nature of education, teaching and learning in the 21st century.  Your children are experiencing thinking and learning in ways that were unheard of as little as 10 or 15 years ago!

The very first change to student reporting begins with our “Meet the Teacher’ Night, September 19, 2013.  Instead of the traditional ‘sign up for individual sessions with teachers to begin conversations about each child’, we will be hosting brief information sessions in the gym at 3 different times (more for Kindergarten) to help parents and students better understand and appreciate the upcoming changes.  Each session in the gym will be approximately 15 minutes in duration, followed by a 45–minute time for families to go to children’s classrooms, meet the teacher and share with students their new learning environment.  The whole school will be open for parents to tour during their designated information session/open house time.


The 3 sessions will take place at:
4:15 – 5:15 pm
5:15 – 6:15 pm
6:15 – 7:15 pm

Kindergarten parents may sign up for any of these 3 sessions. However, Kindergarten teachers have two classes of students each, so to accommodate these larger responsibility groups, Additional Kindergarten-only sessions will also be available on the Conference Manager at:
9:00 – 10:00 am
10:00 – 11:00 am
1:00 – 2:00 pm
2:00 – 3:00 pm

Using the Conference Manager link provided in the e-mail message, or the button on the school webpage at www.cbe.ab.ca/b408, parents will sign into one of these sessions. Please sign up for one child only – you can visit all your children’s classrooms briefly during the 45 minute Open House, and touch base with their teachers. There is room for 150 families to register for each evening session, and for 20 families to register for each Kindergarten-only session.  Please be on time for your session when it starts in the gym - following the completion of the 15 minute information portion, families are welcome to tour the school and speak with teachers.  Just before the next session is scheduled to begin, there will be an announcement asking families from the previous session to please leave the school and make way for the next group of families to arrive for their designated session/open house. 

In the information session, parents will learn about reporting changes, the software tool ‘IRIS’ their children will continue to use to showcase their school work all year, the online tools we recommend students and families use frequently to enhance learning, school communication using blogs/email/web pages, learning celebrations, school organization – including the new triad structures, and some general information about changing assessment strategies that better reflect actual student performance and achievement of specific outcomes.

During the Open House, families will get to speak briefly to teachers about classroom routines and expectations, class/teacher/parent communication, homework expectations, volunteer opportunities in classrooms, the new school inquiry project and general school policies and procedures.  This is not a time to address specific learning concerns since teachers are still getting to know children, but rather a time to celebrate the beginning of a new school year. 

We look forward to welcoming all families to our September 19/13 ‘MEET THE TEACHER’ Information Evening JJ