Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First day of school

Hello Room 75!
What a wonderful day.  Students were excited to see old friends and eager to meet and make new ones.  Room 75 was busy today.  We started off by getting to know each other and working on some art projects and were eager to begin our first writing project of the year.  A letter to ourselves that we will read on the last day of school!  We joined room 51 for our first daily physical education class! Mr. McDougall was happy to meet everyone and reminded us that he will be taking the students outside as much as possible while the weather is nice.  He asks that we dress appropriately for outside play (hats and running shoes), as well as packing a healthy snack and lunch and a bottle for water.
Students in room 75 learned that they will be playing outside for the first half of lunch (playground days for grades 3/4 are Mondays and Wednesdays), and then eating lunch for the second half (Mrs. Jones is their lunch room teacher.)
We ended our day with a back to school assembly where students listened and watched the story, "How Full is Your Bucket?" We will be working a great deal with this book throughout the year.  Ask your child to share with you what he or she thought was an important message from this story.
Thursday, September 5th at 8am we will be having our back to school pancake breakfast.  Friends and family members are invited to join us in having a pancake at this time.  
Here is a picture of my two cats.  Their names are Timmy and Mica(the grey one).  I will miss them dearly as I come back to work, but know that they will be eagerly waiting for me to get home (and feed them!)
Question to answer on the blog: PS you answer question by clicking on the word "comments" at the bottom of this post.
What are the names of my two cats?

For parents- Please fill in and return the important paperwork that went home today. They are due back by Monday, September 9th.
For students- Read for 15-30 minutes and answer question to the blog.
See you tomorrow,
Ms. Handelsman