Friday, September 6, 2013

Apples and Honey!

Sorry about the delay in getting today's blog up.  I went with Mrs. Zwack, Mr. Southworth and Ms. Goldberg to the Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation.  Each of our classes will be going on separate weeks through Open Minds later in the year.  It is beautiful there and we enjoyed our hike and opportunity to explore and discover what the area has to offer for our students.

Here is the link:

Students in room 75 worked hard during this first week back, learning new routines, meeting new and familiar friends and getting to know their teacher and the different teachers in the school.  We ended off the week by celebrating Rosh Hashanah, The Jewish New Year, with Mrs. Bowles, Mrs. Cooper and Ms. Secord's classes.  Students enjoyed learning about how some families celebrate Rosh Hashanah and were eager to share the many different celebrations that they do with their families.  Students learned why we eat apples dipped in honey at this time of year (to wish each other a healthy (apple) and sweet (honey) new year.  Many students were eager to have seconds after trying this treat for the first time!

Don't forget that the Entertainment coupon book fundraiser is going on.  If you do not want to participate or sell the coupon book, please return the book to school in its original condition as soon as possible.

Parents: School Forms and Fees are due MONDAY, September 9th.
Students: read at least 15-30 minutes each day; play outside; have a good weekend.
Question for blog: What is at least one thing you learned  today about Rosh Hashanah or different celebrations?