Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Home Reading Begins!!


Thank you so much for the quick response from volunteers for our community walk for Friday.  I will email those who have spoken with me or emailed me to confirm the time on Friday. (930) Thank you so much for supporting the classroom!!

We continue to be busy learning new routines and expectations.  Today room 75 went to music and gym.  The grade 3 students are coming home today with forms to order a pre-corder.  Some of the grade 4 students may be bringing the form home as well as they are not sure where their pre-corder is.  If they have a pre-corder at home, students are being asked to bring it to school as they will be using it in Music. (Their music days are Tuesdays and Thursdays).  They are encouraged to practice with their pre-corders at home, or can leave it at the school to be stored when it is not being used.  Mrs. McBride does have extra ones in the classroom that she lends out as needed and then cleans after each use.  She does not have many extra ones though.

In Math, students worked on writing a reflection about what they have done so far in Math and how they feel about the Math they have done, or Math in general.  This was tricky for some students to try and put into words their thoughts and feelings about Math, but it is important for them to think about their thinking, and what works as strategies for them and what perhaps doesn't.  One student wrote that he liked working with a partner in Math because they help him to come up with the answer.  As this was their first time journalling about Math, some students were not able to finish in the allotted time.

All kids brought their math journals home to share with you what they have done so far, some of the kids may have to finish their reflection writing as they didn't get it done in class.  Here are some examples of sentence starters the kids came up with.

Yesterday when I was doing math, I ….felt…..
The strategy I used to solve the problem was…..
I got started on the problem by…..
I like math because…. 
I don’t like it in math when…
It was hard/it was easy because… 
I did math at home and it felt…

Many forms and bits of information came home today.  Please make sure to go through the communication folders with your child tonight.  There are the field trip forms which are due FRIDAY, for our field trip next week. (Volunteers needed).

We also officially started the home reading program.  Some students will be bringing books home each night for home reading, and some will be participating in home reading by reading a chapter book that they are keeping at home, or reading on Raz-Kids or Tumblebooks etc.

I have included a purple tracking sheet so that the kids can record how much time they spend reading and how many books, or pages they read each month.  The students are to write the date, title of the book, (pages read if it is a chapter book, they can record the home reading book pages if they want as well), and the amount of time they spend reading.  (If they are reading on Raz-kids and they are reading more than one book, they can just write Raz-kids and the number of books they listened to.)

The Final column is to check off if the book is completed or NY for Not Yet.
(Please email me if you have any questions or concerns, and we can go through this more at meet the teacher night next Thursday:)

Parents: hand in school forms if you have not already; read, fill in, sign and return field trip forms (DUE FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 13th)

Students: -share your math journals with your family
               -IF you have NOT finished your math reflections, please finish- Due Wednesday.
               -IF you have not finished your writing about the Class Ambassadors, please finish, DUE Thursday.
               -Read for 15-30 and record on the purple home reading sheet.

Blog question: How much is the name of someone in your family worth?