Thursday, November 7, 2013

Remembrance Day.

Hello room 75.
Today was our school's Remembrance Day Assembly.  The Peace Triad did a wonderful performing their songs and poems and being MC's.  There were also a few peace ambassadors from our class who participated.  Riley helped to set up and take down the chairs and furniture; Marek and Bruce went up and shook hands with our special guest retired soldier, and thanked him for attending our assembly; Bailey also went up and shook his hand, thanked him and presented him with a gift from the school.   In class we finished our Acrostic poems; REMEMBER;PEACE; POPPIES.  The students did a wonderful job of creating their art projects that are now hanging in the hallway in front of the class.  Ask your child what their work looks like.  A goal for our class continues to be respectful of each other and work using either silence or whisper voices, especially when we are working on complicated projects and tasks that require a great deal of concentration and focus.

Tomorrow I will be away at the Early Childhood Education Conference in Kananaskis.  Ms. Hofer will be in tomorrow.  She is very excited to be working with the students again.  For homework, the students know that they are to write a letter to Ms. Hofer about themselves.  In the letter, they should write about something that they are interested in, participate in, are looking forward, is interesting about themselves.  The students will be sharing their letters in the class meeting tomorrow with Ms. Hofer and with the class.  If they end up including any of their spelling words, they can underline them in the letter.  When writing, students should be focusing on beginning and end of sentence punctuation, spaces between words, and re-reading their work to ensure what they wrote makes sense to them.

Important information.
Friday, November 22- NO SCHOOL PD DAY

To write a letter to Ms. Hofer.
Read 15-30 minutes
Mathletics 15 minutes

Question for the blog:
What did you appreciate the most in our Remembrance Day assembly that you would like to share on the blog and with Ms Hofer?

Have a great Friday and a great long weekend.

See you on Tuesday.
Ms. Handelsman