Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Country of Origin

Hello Room 75!
What a busy day after being away for a long weekend!  Students were eager to share their stories about what they did on the weekend with the class.  In Math, we worked on comparing large numbers.  Students chose two numbers randomly and then had to say whether one number was greater than or less than the other number.  Students used the greater than and less than symbols when making their number sentences.  < or > or =.  Ask your child to share with you what they learned in Math today.

In gym students learned how to control the ball when shooting.  We will be working on basketball over until the end of next week.  Students have come up with specific goals they have in basketball that they will be working on over the next two weeks.  This is a great way for them to see what it means to set a goal, work towards achieving it (strategies), and then evidence of having achieved their goal.  Students chose to set a goal on shooting, passing or dribbling the ball.  Ask your child to share with you the goal they set for themselves, what they are going to do to achieve it, and what evidence will they have to prove they achieved it.

We listened to three different picture books today and students got to choose which one they wanted to write a response about.

We started our next big project today in class.  This project will involve working at home and at school.    Students will be exploring their family's origin.  They will be asking you where their family was before they emigrated to North America.   This year our Social Studies program focuses on Communities Around the World and developing an understanding of Global Citizenship.  We will be conducting our Inquiry through the lens of the Child.
The purpose of this project is to assist our students in making personal connections to this curriculum.  Each student will explore their own ancestry and how it affects who they are, where they came from, and how they fit into our global community.  This will also be a great opportunity for your child to explore images from their country as this connects to our overall inquiry question, “How Do Images Impact How We see the World?”
We ask that you discuss where the members of your family originated from and when this move to North America occurred and if there is a story that goes along with their emigration.   If there is more than one country, please select one for this project.  If your family's origins have Aboriginal or First Nations roots, your child can focus on that origin, if that is what you and your child chose.
Today the students generated a large list of questions that they are interested in learning more about in regards to their country of origin.  Ask them to share one or two of the questions that they came up with or were shared during class.  We will be sorting these questions into groups and then sharing them with room 75 families with specific expectations for this project.  Students will be expected to choose a certain amount of questions that they would like to research more about their specific country.  For now, please talk with your child about their countries of origin and decide together which one they would like to research further and share with the class.

Important information:
Friday, November 15th- Ms. Handelsman in First Aid training all day. Mrs. Hofer in to teach.
Friday,  November 22nd- NO SCHOOL PD- 
Friday, November 22- Due date for submitting on the blog your child's country of origin for the project.

-Ask a family member to quiz you on your words (both lists).  Words that you spelled incorrectly please re-write 3 times. 
-read 15-30 minutes
-Mathletics 15-30 minutes 

Question for the Blog:
What are your countries of origin? Which country are you choosing to research for your project?

See you tomorrow,
Ms. Handelsman