Monday, December 9, 2013

Aujourd'hui nous avions français!

Bonjour mes amis! Comment ça va?
Aujourd'hui, tous les enfants sont allés à la classe française.

Yes, we all went to French class today! Ask your child who their teacher was and what they worked on in French class!
I was away in the morning at the dentist and was happy to hear how hard the students worked for Mrs. Hofer!  Ask your child to share with you something they learned when working on Mathletics.
In the afternoon we went and did our book exchange at the library and then worked on Daily Five.  The students were very excited to share their presentations today on their Origins Interview projects.  We listened to Brooke share her Keynote presentation about her Grandma who came from England!  The students were amazed by the original photos of Brooke's grandma as a child and then of Brooke's great grandma as a baby (Grandma Brooke who Brooke was named for).
Bruce shared his poster on his interview of his dad who is originally from China!  Bruce did an amazing job of laying out the questions, answers and pictures in a circular method all around his poster.  He told the class that his favorite part was putting all the pictures and writing onto his poster.  The students really enjoyed hearing about the many different sports that are popular in China, such as ping pong and badminton.
We will continue to listen to each other's presentations throughout this week. If your child is choosing to present a keynote or powerpoint,or has images that he or she would like to display, please feel free to email them tome so that we can project them on the Smartboard during the presentation!

Important Information
Origins interview projects are due this week.
If you have items you wish to donate to our family in High River and have not yet done so, please bring into the school ASAP.
Field Trip forms are due! If you have not filled them out yet, please do so ASAP and make sure it is in your child's communication folder for school tomorrow.
Thursday night 6-8 Winter wonderland.
Friday is our Field Trip to RT Alderman
Thursday, December 19th- we will be having some type of an Xmas celebration in our class (playing board games, eating tasty snacks, watching a movie. More info to follow.
Friday, December 20th- NO SCHOOL Winter break begins!

Finish your origins project!
Read 30 minutes
Mathletics 30 minutes
There is no work for your homework journals as most of you are continuing to work on your Origins project this week. If you would like to write me a Dear. Ms. Handelsman you are more than welcome to and I will read it over the lunch hour!  This can be on any topic of interest to you, for example, if you are in a hockey tournament, what you will be doing over the winter holidays, what you did over the weekend, what you do after school, etc...

Question for the blog:
Qu'avez vous fait dans la classe française aujourd'hui? Qui était votre professeur?
(What did you do in French class today? Who was your teacher?
à demain!

Mme. Handelsman